Blog & News
A Date With Your Soul
I felt aligned and deeply connected, dreaming into the year ahead from a place of deep soul inquiry and in my own timing, instead of what the external world thought I should be or be focusing on. I feel confident that I can create a steady, grounded, achievable plan to stay connected to my soul yearnings and let that guide my year.
Growth & Gratitude
I’ve been stretched large by grief and gratitude this past year. My guess is many of you have, too. Thank you for being here with me and for allowing me to hold space for you to heal. May we embrace whatever comes our way instead of being a victim of our circumstances. May we overcome difficulties with dignity, courage, and faith. May we take time every day to recognize the gifts in our life, and understand that in doing so, we improve our lives and the lives of others.
Spring 2021 Membership & Packages at Sangha
♡ Hello & happy spring ♡
Wishing you moments of balance, renewal, and rejuvenation as you breathe in this new season of spring!
The Importance of Self-Care & Helpful Tips
What would be different in your life if you chose to listen to, believe, and honor your body and inner knowing? What might be different if, when feeling overwhelmed, angry, sad, afraid, lonely, depressed, or stressed, you recognized that you deserve more love, not less? What if, instead of waiting on others in your life, whether it be a parent, partner, friend, coworker, etc. to meet your expectations and love you how you want to be loved, you loved yourself the way you so desperately want and deserve to be loved? When will you allow yourself to have what you truly want?
Get to Know Your Body’s Stress Response & Stress Relief Practices
We are all in this sacred container of growth, evolution and transformation together right now. We may feel uncomfortable, we may be experiencing feeling tense, fearful, stuck in worry thoughts, trouble sleeping, feeling anxious and overwhelmed, irritable, low energy, low tolerance for others, numb, feeling disconnected or shut down. We likely are over it all.