The Importance of Self-Care & Helpful Tips
Importance of Self-Care
What would be different in your life if you chose to listen to, believe, and honor your body and inner knowing? What might be different if, when feeling overwhelmed, angry, sad, afraid, lonely, depressed, or stressed, you recognized that you deserve more love, not less? What if, instead of waiting on others in your life, whether it be a parent, partner, friend, coworker, etc. to meet your expectations and love you how you want to be loved, you loved yourself the way you so desperately want and deserve to be loved? When will you allow yourself to have what you truly want?
Are your inner reserves substantial enough to accommodate the triggers and challenges of your life at this time? Many of us are not taught how to prioritize taking really good care of ourselves. How to recharge, nourish, rejuvinate, and fill our deep well back up. So when we we get overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, overbooked, or life inevitably presents us with an uncomfortable situation that wasn't part of our plan, we turn to food, alcohol, coffee, sugar, codependent relationships, work, shopping, netflix binging, being busy, being busy, being busy.
This is when taking care of ourselves is of the utmost priority! We have to dive deep within ourselves and connect to the well of love that's within us to stop the complete burnout that comes with the glorification of busy. We must prioritize our inner lives and notice our breath, our bodies, and our feelings. We must allow time to explore ourselves, reflect, and heal. Slowing down, deep rest, and taking care of our own hearts may just be the most radical way, in today's society, to return home to ourselves.
Here are some of my favorite ways to take care of myself and return home to myself:
1.) Take 10 long, slow, deep breaths with my hands over my heart
2.) Make a hot cup of tea (okay, maybe there's some dark chocolate here too :))
3.) Journal (get it all out on paper)
4.) Listen to calming or uplifting music
5.) Lavender essential oil roll on
6.) Get a massage
7.) Get reiki
8.) Get acupuncture
9.) Get outside
10.) Listen to guided yoga nidra
11.) Move my body slowly and mindfully (yoga)
12.) Cancel a commitment
13.) Take a day off
14.) Let go (of trying to be it all, do it all, control it all)
15.) Hot bath
16.) Be alone
17.) Stop scrolling/internet break
18.) Dance
19.) Silent scream (honoring anger)
20.) Affirmations or chanting mantras
What are some of your favorite ways to take back your life, be with yourself, take really good care of yourself and return home? Write them out, hang your list up on your mirror, in your car, and at work so that you have a toolbox when you're feeling overwhelmed! You may be surprised at how quickly a few tools can shift your mood, energy, thoughts, and connection to yourself.
Hand on heart with a few deep breaths,
Katie Hawks